Capturing SP Collects from EMC VNX Block Only with Unisphere Rev4

Step-by-step process on how to generate SP Collects from EMC VNX block only with Unisphere Rev4.

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What We Need

Output Specifications from your device to quote and onboard your spare. 

Why This Matters

Learn what happens with the outputs retrieved and why we need the information from these commands at PivIT’s Sparing Integrity Program.


Step 1.

Log into EMC Unisphere by browsing to the ip address of the Control Station for “Unified” VNX. Browse to the ip address of the SPA for “Block Only” VNX. (VNX5100 is block only) 


Default login: sysadmin/sysadmin

emc unisphere login screen

Step 2:

Select the VNX system you want to collect from. 

select vnx system screen on unisphere dashboard

Step 3.

Click on “System” , Then “Generate Diagnostic Files – SPA and SPB”. 

select system and diagnostic files on unisphere dashboard

Step 4.

Select “Yes” to run the script for each SPA and SPB. This will start the creation of the “” files to be downloaded.

 confirm run sp collect script yes

Step 5.

Acknowledge the running of the script with “ok”. Do this for both SPA and SPB. To download files click on “Get Diagnostic Files – SPA”.

success run sp collect script ok

Step 6.

This will open “File Transfer Manager”. Maximize the SPA – File Transfer Manager window. Maximize SPA-File Transfer Manager window.

file select in file transfer manager

Step 7.

Slide “ Name” column to the right so you can see full filename extension. Look for the newest “” file and highlight it. Click “Refresh” a couple of times to see if the file size changes. If it does not then it is finished creating and is ready for transfer.

 file transfer manager in emc unisphere

Step 8.

Select “Browse” and point to a known location on workstation the for file to upload to.

 browse folders for files selected in file transfer manager

Step 9.

Select “Transfer” then “Yes” to upload the file to the selected destination. Do this again for SPB by redoing steps 5-9.

 transfer file confirmation

Step 10.

Once the files are now downloaded to the workstation then please upload to the secure File Drop page using the below link:


Please fill in as much information on this page to identify where the files are coming from, if they need to be reviewed ASAP or NBD, and any notes that may be pertinent. You may drag and drop the Diagnostic Files or use the “Add Files” button on this page then click “Send”  to send the files to PivIT Global. A confirmation email will be sent to OneCall Support letting them know the files are now available for review.       


 This concludes this procedure.