Why Are So Many Customers Choosing Prepaid PO's?

It's a different world now than it was nearly a year ago. Working from home has become the norm and businesses like yours continue to face an unprecedented level of IT challenges. And chief among them is field services.
Most likely when your company needed an upgrade to their network, a refresh, or to troubleshoot, you would send one of your engineers to the site to take care of it. But now, with office protocol and travel restrictions in place — and often empty office spaces — your company may need to shift towards flexibility and agility when finding solutions to meet your IT challenges.
Enter: Upfront (or Prepaid) PO's for field services. We've seen a significant uptick in many of our customers preferring Prepaid PO's, and it's not hard to understand why. Prepaid PO's give companies added flexibility when needs arise.
Here's how it works: With a Prepaid PO you issue a blanket purchase order - say $20k - for your field engineering needs. We'll bill and invoice you today, and you can use it anytime! It can even span multiple fiscal periods. As you need field engineering services of any kind, give us a call, tell us what you need, and we go to work for you. We simply deduct the cost from your original amount. Done and done. No pre-charges, no additional steps to go through, no extra billing requirements or refactoring budgets. Reasonable, flexible, and easily transparent - just rinse and repeat as needs arise.
So when you want to open a ticket, or request an On-Demand Call Out, we send an engineer to the site, allowing you to focus on engineering while we take care of the administrative and logistical tasks. And when the project or service is completed, we'll provide you a retrospective look at the service process, as well as an outline of the full service in detail for your records and asset management. All you have to do is budget it, buy it, book it — and let us take care of the rest of it.
Prepaid PO's just make sense in this business climate where every team is leveraging each dollar to its fullest capacity and organizations need to have enough liquidity to respond to unexpected needs.
Work with EXTEND
Whether it's a project on the horizon or a situation gone sideways, turn to EXTEND to gain the team capacity you need to resolve the issue or carry out the project. We'll walk you through each step, while providing you with options all along the way. You'll enjoy the confidence of knowing you have the right gear, at the right time, with the backing of PivIT Global to be there whenever and wherever you need us.
Come see how we do it on our end, so you can do the job you need to do on your end.